A friend asked me to write about work-life balance. I confess that I am the last person one you should go to for advice on this topic.

Being in corporate communications for the last 15 years, I consider my work to be a basic part of my life, if not one of its important drivers.

I am a proud mother of two, a proud wife, a proud sister, daughter, friend, colleague and I would never, ever, let anything keep me away from my personal duties. Yet my work is very personal to me! It’s something I enjoy doing and not out of obligation. Hence, I don’t feel the need to balance it with my day-to-day activities as its part of my daily rituals, it makes me feel productive and gives me a sense of fulfillment. It’s not the material reward, but rather the mental and sensory challenge that comes with the job as I am known to thrill on campaigns, projects and events.

I always tell myself that the day I would not feel like working I won’t and the day I would have to choose between my personal life and a job I won’t either; because that would mean I am not true to myself, and the solution would be to change that job or career path altogether.

I am blessed to still be able to always manage to find time to do whatever I desire or need to, although my priorities keep on shifting, I am still able to juggle.

Myriam A.H.K.


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